The Loan Performer savings charges feature enables a user to configure a levy on savings withdrawals according to savings withdrawal amounts classes.
How to configure charges on savings withdrawals
To configure charges on savings withdrawals you go to System Configuration/Savings/Savings Charges and a screen like one below appears:
- Tick this menu to make the classes field active.
- Define the amounts to be charged between class ranges.
- This amounts will appear at the withdraw window e.g "5000" charged for wit
- hdrawing an amount between "3,000,000 to 5,000,000" as seen below.
- Setting savings withdraw charges according to withdrawn amount by class can be done by savings products.
At savings withdraw the system will pick and display the details at configuration as follows:
And the transaction will be reflected in the clients savings ledger card as below:
The Nº 1 Software for Microfinance